
To view my email copy addressed to:

A small business owner in the wellness space, click here.

A client and customer of a health spa, click here.

A client of a fitness studio, click here.

A recipient of chiropractic service, click here.

To view the copy I wrote in 2021, click here. This is the welcoming sequence that I intended to use for promoting an affiliate product. It clearly demonstrates the essential elements that should be present in a successful onboarding sequence.

In 2023, I changed my business model to exclusively a service-based business. I realized that I’m highly skilled at persuasive writing and I enjoy helping people. That’s why I started Sun Email Convert.

I’m here to assist you with writing powerful emails that get results. Whether you need curiosity-invoking subject lines, valuable content, or persuasive messages to make people take action, I am here to help you produce results with your business.

Let’s work together to make your emails more effective and achieve your goals.

To get started, complete my new client assessment questionnaire; to access the questionnaire, click here.